Christian School

Ministry Goals
Ministry Goals
Ministry Goals
Serving the Family:
To serve the family and local church as they train young
people to have a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
(Deut 6:5-7)
Providing the Truth:
To the authoritative Word of God. (II Tim 2:15).
To provide the students the opportunity to confess Jesus as Savior and Lord. (Rom. 10:9)
Equipping the student;
To equip the student to evangelize and disciple others and to encourage involvement in ministry opportunities. (Matt 28:19-20)
To teach the student how to study God's Word.
(II Tim 2:15)
Modeling Jesus
To employ and develop mature Christian teachers and staff who minster to the students, families and each other by word and action (Luke 6:40)
Following the Bible Principle
To follow Biblical es in all that we do (II Chron 1:10).
To teach the student how to research and to reason logically from a Biblical perspective. (Heb 5:14)